To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-12-28 12:54:47

A $40 fucking breakfast here at AROMA Espresso Bar, 161 Fort York Blvd In Toronto, unlike the Ho'rozco liar about rape and how much you LOVE your supposed pedophile Father Fausto's 48-yr-old Cock deep inside your tiny 14-yr-old Lil Latina HO'ROZCO TRAMPSTAMP Special. You hate me but you care for and protect the peacefully satisfactory retirement of your hardcore PRIMARY LOVE. As a child, our primary Love is our Mother and Father. Our Secondary is Brother and Sister. Tertiary is the likes of aunts and uncles and cousins etceteras. However, when you BECAME AN ADULT you put away your childish daddy-fucking childish ways, bitch. Yu our are a LIAR and a TRAITOR, in addition to to a cute lil Hot LATINA OROZCO special fuck six days a week, and seven on Sunday. You filed charges against me if Domestic Abuse when I described to you the appropriate Avenue for legal recourse, but you just tried to run out of OUR apartment half naked, which I as your HUSBAND had a duty to protect you from your lightheaded daddy fucker naturre. Cc: ANNE
Date: 2024-12-28 14:21:16
Date: 2024-12-28 14:33:42

"Oh, I asked my daddy to fuck me instead of beating my mother because she has a prolapsed hysterectomy and that was my duty and responsibility to satisfy the needs and wishes of my FATHER who art NOT in Heaven and NOT Going to GELL because Zi CONSENTED when I was 14-yrs-of-age in Canada which was the AGE OF CONSENT. so fuck you, you're a WEAK IGNORANCE ANCHORED HO'ROZCO who has chosen NEVER ATO GTFU BITCH. FUCK YOU HO'ROZCO TRAMPSTAMP SENSATION BEARING CUNT.
Date: 2024-12-28 14:54:51

For OVER 13 years you have PROUDLY worn your FUCK-DADDY HIROZCO TRAMPSTAMP on ALL your identity . You fucking WHORE you filed FALSE charges against me as if you were single and there was NO REASON for me to PREVENT you from running out of the apartment half naked. You NEVER actually GREW THE FARK'S UP and put away your responsibility to PROTECT your rapist Father from the consequences of when you PROTECTED ESPERANZA from the punishment FAUSTO threatened when she ghad a prolapsed urethra. So fuck you, HOT LIL HOT LATINA bitch. I love you, but you are TOTALLY OUT OF LINE. Cc: FARKAS, CURRY
Date: 2024-12-28 16:22:20
Date: 2024-12-28 22:51:14
Date: 2024-12-28 23:02:49