To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-12-03 00:00:00

Date: 2024-12-03 00:00:08

Date: 2024-12-03 00:00:11

Date: 2024-12-03 00:08:19

This is why I see you as a threat to the son of Isaac and his maternal sister... Whom Kelly has quieted down from public awareness because she doesn't want our 15 year old son to deal with the daddy issues of his 51 year old step-mom.
I love and respect you both, yet my 15:51 is actually looking like my 42:24 because you're two faces to the same coin.
You don't report so you're not protecting OTHER future victims.

Date: 2024-12-03 13:09:11
So as I have indicated previously, like 14 years ago, I would love to be with my wife as Mrs MARITZA BON HILLIER or Mrs MARITZA ELIZABETH HILLIER.
I would recommend that WE were referred to a COUPLE'S SHELTER but that would require your attention to the fact that I am hurt when you wear ANY last name that isn't BON HILLIER or HILLIER but that I feel less manly than you need when you're walking around as an OROZCO.
Because he satisfies you enough that you don't report him to the police for the fact that he's the rapist of a 14 year old daughter when he was 48 years old in 1987.

Date: 2024-12-03 13:57:16
You need to return to Christ , Christ will heal you, you are hurt over your mother putting you under guardianship of the government. You were a ward of the government for years and long after we met, I didn't know until later of this. You have abandonment trauma and have betrayal hurt and trauma and pain from before I met you due to Your mother and her family, your family in BC. Due to government bodies and financial insurance institutions and children's aid society (subsidiary government bodies) I cannot bear the weight of your pain hurt and of all the evils in the world but Jesus Christ can. He is there for us for always, this is why he died for our sins he is there to forgive our sins, He is at the confessional ready to listen to our sorrowful heart for any transgressions we have done, he is ready to forgive if you are of contrite heart and earnestly make amends to not offend again . He is there listening when we pray to Him. You are trying to put all the pain and blame of these crimes that you texted from some newspaper on me.
I am here for you as a friend lover wife partner and everything, wherever you are. You must turn to Jesus Christ Though as you only saviour. I am hurt by your name calling, insults, abusive language. I'll speak later my phone is out of battery and no free wifi her

Date: 2024-12-03 13:59:01
The whole reason I included ANNE in this deal is that she's my history, but a history I am willing to deal with which is something you do NOT do with regard to your daddy issues.
He raped you, allegedly without your consent, when you were a 14-yr-old VICTIM who's RAPED by a 48-yr-old supposed FATHER in at least a single occurrence in 1987.
You need to inform your shelter worker that we're attempting reconciliation and it would be reasonable for us to cohabit under the current circumstances while we come to an understanding of whether or not it's appropriate for you to civilly and/or criminally charge your father for the rape and sexual abuse of a CHILD in '87.
Moreover as I indicated this is the DUTY of an ADULT CATHOLIC to appropriately reduce the evil which threatens OUR CHILDREN.
Our past can protect our future.

Date: 2024-12-03 14:02:25
However, you don't even value me sexually which is why it feels to me that you respect Fr FAUSTO more than Mr ISAAC, right you understand?
You cannot appreciate me sexually.

Date: 2024-12-03 14:05:28
So Kelly is your history? When did you start this affair. You say she is you history? How do? Kelly Ann Wolfe has been attached to my emails. She is not welcome in our marriage she is harlot a heathen a third wheel a divorced low life a thief of my money. She can go jump into a lake and stop interfering in our marriage she not welcome in our marriage ever. Disconnecting no battery

Date: 2024-12-03 14:07:43
Where are you geographical location?

Date: 2024-12-03 20:08:46

You Ms OROZCO are a PASSIVE NARCISSIST which has developed from your father's seeding you at 14 years of age shortly after your brother died and was unable to protect against your father and his utility of you as a sexual fucktoy replacement for your mother.

Date: 2024-12-03 20:40:14

No. KATHLEEN ANNE WILLIAMS is my HISTORY. We share a SON whom is 15 (turning 16 in 2 weeks) with an 17 year old sister.
KELLY ANNE WILLIAMS is my associate or business partner for the INDEPENDENT ONTARIO ADVOCACY GROUP which I established in order to protect her as my friend. As per my priorities, my son and his sister are more important than your mother, your father, and even more important than your brother.
You have chosen to prefer your brother over your husband, and have even filed false charges against me for kicking him out as he was impacting our sex life.
You're PERPETUALLY placing your BROTHER and FATHER as a higher priority than myself in our correlation.
That is why I recognized that you have not actually developed interpersonally beyond the RAPE you experienced thanks to your loving Fr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO.
Your mother was your PLACEBO which enables you to assume that you are NOT in the wrong.
Unfortunately I told you that you're 100% in the wrong, yet you're making the usual assumption that Isaac is in the wrong.
I gave you my demands, and they're non-negotiable. If you're an ADULT CATHOLIC participant in our CELEBRATION of the SACRAMENT OF HOLY then you will recognize your father formally as your rapist in 1987.
This is my right and your responsibility, to stop acting like a childish LITTLE GIRL VICTIM and realize that you are a MARRIED FEMALE SURVIVOR.
This is NOT a fucking negotiation my 💕 LOVE 😘 as I was if the understanding that I married in St Anne's Parish Church.
Repression is a defense mechanism employed to exclude distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings from the conscious mind. For the most part, repression often is used to keep unwanted sexual or aggressive urges or painful childhood memories from intruding on consciousness, creating anxiety and disrupting homeostatic balance.
You will let go of your childhood bondage to FAUSTO or you will lose me FOREVER.

Date: 2024-12-03 20:47:55
You go around demanding that I let go of MY ADULT PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS yet you maintain your CHILDISH PERSONAL INTERRELATIONSHIP with your father.
You value his Safety and Security over my own Rights and Responsibilities.
You choose to either remain the FAITHFUL AND DEVOTED DAUGHTER victim of Daddy, or you Grow the Fark UP and recognize that you're MY WIFE. I simply lined up MY WOLFE as a quiet reminder to you that you were given the choice to report your rapist father.
Kelly is a start, just as I was before marrying you.

Date: 2024-12-03 20:56:36

Date: 2024-12-03 20:56:41

Date: 2024-12-03 20:56:44

Date: 2024-12-03 20:56:46

Date: 2024-12-03 20:56:49

Date: 2024-12-03 20:56:51

Date: 2024-12-03 21:31:33
That should read Kelly Anne Wolfe not Kelly Anne Williams.

Date: 2024-12-03 21:34:44
This is not a negotiation.. you're either my wife or you're not my wife.
There is no room for your bullshit negotIation maneuvers, cuz I'm not your father.

Date: 2024-12-03 22:08:57
No. KATHLEEN ANNE WILLIAMS is my HISTORY. We share a SON whom is 15 (turning 16 in 2 weeks) with a 17/18 year old sister.
KELLY ANNE WOLFE is my associate or business partner for the INDEPENDENT ONTARIO ADVOCACY GROUP which I established in order to protect her as my friend. As per my priorities, my son and his sister are more important than your mother, your father, and even more important than your brother.
You have chosen to prefer your brother over your husband, and have even filed false charges against me for kicking him out as he was impacting our sex life.
You're PERPETUALLY placing your BROTHER and FATHER as a higher priority than myself in our correlation.
That is why I recognized that you have not actually developed interpersonally beyond the RAPE you experienced thanks to your loving Fr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO.
Your mother was your PLACEBO which enables you to assume that you are NOT in the wrong.
Unfortunately I told you that you're 100% in the wrong, yet you're making the usual assumption that Isaac is in the wrong.
I gave you my demands, and they're non-negotiable. If you're an ADULT CATHOLIC participant in our CELEBRATION of the SACRAMENT OF HOLY then you will recognize your father formally as your rapist in 1987.
This is my right and your responsibility, to stop acting like a childish LITTLE GIRL VICTIM and realize that you are a MARRIED FEMALE SURVIVOR.
This is NOT a fucking negotiation my 💕 LOVE 😘 as I was if the understanding that I married in St Anne's Parish Church.
Repression is a defense mechanism employed to exclude distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings from the conscious mind. For the most part, repression often is used to keep unwanted sexual or aggressive urges or painful childhood memories from intruding on consciousness, creating anxiety and disrupting homeostatic balance.
You will let go of your childhood bondage to FAUSTO or you will lose me FOREVER.

Date: 2024-12-03 22:16:53

You hold onto your OROZCO last name and show your father how well he FUCKED you in that you're ready to flush our 14 years of marriage because you love your PEDOPHILE FATHER more than you respect your husband.
That's enough for me. I'm out.

Date: 2024-12-03 22:56:59

Kathleen ANNE Williams is KAW, the mother of my son and his sister.
Kelly ANNE Wolfe is KAW who has a son the same age as mine, and a daughter the same age as my son's sister.
Kelly ANNE Wolfe has only one piece of ID and it recognizes her as 6 months and 6 days younger than me.
If I can go with my 6:6 or I can go with a woman who claims that it was God's will that her father fucked her just as much as she claims it was God's will that her husband have his balls cut off because Maritza OROZCO enjoyed the cock of Fausto OROZCO more than she enjoys the cock of Isaac BON HILLIER then I'll go with FARKAS, because I'll be nobody's bitch, and for you to o demand that I submit to you Rapist Father well...
Fuck you, go back to Hell from whence you cum over and over.
You're not an ADULT CATHOLIC of 51 albeit really only a CHILDHOOD CATHOLIC of 15.
Go fuck yourself. I choose KELLY if she'll take me and my baggage.
I respect you as my sister Maritza, yet Kelly is my partner for all time. Maybe call up daddy and tell him 😺 congratulations 🎊 daddy fucked his daughter so well she's devoted to Fr FAUSTO'S innocence.
Stay the fuck away from Kelly and our kids, alright Mrs OROZCO.

Date: 2024-12-03 23:00:14
I'll see you in hell, you pedophile protector.

Date: 2024-12-03 23:27:18
You made your choice, now make sure to enjoy the consequences.
If she'll have me I choose Kelly. I will never protect pedophiles like your father.