To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-11-13 00:41:19
You kept his Orozco last name that hurts. A lot right! So you're suddenly surprised I'm so angry f*** that s***.
You just think you can walk out for a couple months and then we'll all settle down and I won't be hurting do you understand how much it hurts that you keep walking out because I don't love your father.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:42:01
It's very interesting it's a trauma response pattern you just walk out for to listen to 3 weeks a month too and then you come back and you expect there's going to be no pain do you know how much pain I have just because you continually 25% of the time walk out because I'm not as good as a man as your f****** father who you tell me is the horrible one

Date: 2024-11-13 00:42:22
So that is f****** ridiculous like get it get real like what's your last name on all your cards

Date: 2024-11-13 00:45:23
And and you choose the last name of the man raped you don't or makes me worse than him because guess what you kept his last name.
So you carry the trans stamp of the man who raped you and you call the police on me when I say your father belongs to jail for f*** sake.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:46:31
I'm seriously hurt by how you don't understand how painful that is and I have said basically that you are castrating me you make me very carefully say whatever I say just so you don't walk out because I don't love your father like a good husband so f*** you, I'd rather end it if you keep his f****** last name that's really disrespectful you're saying that he's a better man than your husband.p

Date: 2024-11-13 00:47:20
Because I am kind of that's what I've been saying it's you f****** lose that f****** tramp stamp of your rapist father and you take my last name why do you think I've been saying that's an issue since your mother died your mother was the only reason I've gave a s*** about your last name being reasonable it is it's solely reminds me of the man who is better than me because he f**** you rapes you and you don't even call the f****** police you protect that f****** pedophile because you're a pedophile protector.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:48:14
And I'm f****** considered this walking around on eggshells because oh you might take offense that I don't like a f****** child rapist and you carry his f****** tramp stamp and it's on all your identification so the police though oh that's an OROZCO.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:49:04
Because I see that you have no priority to lose that f****** child's rapist last name from you because to you as a proud label of a tramp stamp says that you are of his priority I'll have not your priority no he is your priority so you know what f*** off if you don't come back I don't want to give a s*** cuz I don't want a wife with the name of a child's rapist that's her last name f*** you.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:49:36
Your priority is solely about the health comfort safety and Security of foster Orozco Leonidas David Roscoe and Hillsdale Roscoe I am your husband but I am like number five on that list that's insane

Date: 2024-11-13 00:50:26
And you think it's it's my fault that yeah Alex you broke my glasses this morning because why because I don't love your father so f*** you like seriously you need therapy because you take out your father issues on your f****** husband.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:51:36
So you severely disrespect me totally like this is insane and it was like oh put me into God my my wife has the last name of her rapist she was child raped so what the f*** you prioritize and preserve his safety and Security when I explicitly told you in 2017 about the fact that there was no because of the limitations act changes and we can deal with him and punish him and prevent future rapes by similar fathers I guess similar children as you were when you were right to prevent the masses from getting raped so much it's since then you're like no I don't want you I pray for my daddy's wishes f*** you.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:52:24
So yes that's a severe issue you don't value me as important as your f****** rapist father that is insulting you dehumanize you damasculinity your husband why because your father is a better stronger more fervent man so f*** you b****

Date: 2024-11-13 00:53:32
And you're like no I'll do it when I want to it's been 13 years for f***** sake you're like oh baby I'm 50th year I'll do it after I did it cuz I just know that the reason you're doing you're going to do it after he's dead so there's no shame into the family that your father doesn't know that you change your last name because you are still alleged to him more than your f****** husband okay do you understand that because she is crazy but at least she agrees that we punish pedophiles.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:54:29
And you punished your husband because I'm not as good as your f****** pedophile rapist father f*** you yeah yeah go sleep somewhere else like f*** that s*** you were such a child you are not really an adult you are still at the 14 year level which is what happened you were raped when you're 14 so in essence you did not age beyond that you are incompetent you are not always sacrament of holy matrimony into which we entered because you were traumatized and still are.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:55:19
Cuz whenever we fight there's that have to walk around on pins like this f****** glass everywhere because I don't want you to make you leave for oh 3 months this time no two weeks this time I come on grow the f****** or get the f*** out of our life because if I don't go with you I'm going to go with Kelly.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:56:25
Near like how dare you contact Kelly it's and then you walk out on me all the f****** time 25 plus percent chance

Date: 2024-11-13 00:58:07
Your mother died July 5th 2021 and now you leave basically almost anything so I you can I cannot deal with you as with honesty of how I'm feeling whatever cuz I always have to be concerned about oh whether those will trigger your daddy issues and you will walk the f*** out on your husband because I don't like your rapist pedophile father and because all Jessie I told you that he was punishable now because an amendment to the limitations act in 2018 I told you that and you f****** walked out on me so you're like what the f*** no you called the police on me it's fine then they took my ring and guess what so that's been juvenile of you you're acting like a 14 year old not you're actual age but a child victim mindset okay.

Date: 2024-11-13 00:58:47
And then you blame me for the fact that you walk over when I have a problem with the fact that your father is a f****** child rapist and he does not being punished he is actually being rewarded and so what that's f****** b******* you punish me with your father did to you so that f****** that is kind of why I've been lying in Kelly up okay because I kind of felt that for several years and so I don't know like f***.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:00:13
And then you're like oh no how dare you have set up a plan to be with someone else if we don't go together if you are still a child and I don't I don't marry your child I'm not your f****** father I don't f*** children because I'm not a f****** child rapist and then you're like oh no you aren't protect my daddy because I it's f****** b******* this is our responsibility to use a horrible past travesty to protect from this recurrence others who think they can just get away with raping your child and have no consequences because your father walks around with no f****** consequences you f****** b****

Date: 2024-11-13 01:01:05
Name you say it's on my fault like what the f*** you're a f****** pedophile protector you're not a white you're not a woman you are still a 14-year-old pedophile victim you're protecting your rapist father and you're actually attacking your husband who's telling you that we have a responsibility to protect my children and my friend my Kelly's children too protect their future from the assholes like you are f****** farther because no he needs to be protected f*** that s*** I want to castrate that mother f***** the daughter f*****

Date: 2024-11-13 01:03:01
You are an irresponsible juvenile woman you're not actually a woman of your age you are acting like exactly like a 14-year-old victim or maybe 15 or 60 it's always better to recover but it's not really because that's why you're so f****** sensitive that's why you've been away for so often because you can't get over your daddy issues. Like seriously you have to understand it's not my fault I have been very patient intolerant it's been f****** 13 years I've been walking on nails because I don't want to trigger your daddy issues and now that your mom is gone July 5th 20 21 then after that you drop everything and run away for a week or two because I don't like your daddy cuz your daddy is so sad as fact you don't even report him to protect future potential victims of predators and pedophiles like your father f****** s***p

Date: 2024-11-13 01:03:50
And then you have the horrible sense of I say you don't like my son's mother but at least she would call the police about a f****** child rapist so that's why I never trusted you to even have my child even though I don't have him at least I don't want you f****** near him because you are a danger you don't even recognize my last name's last name nor did you protect him like f****** b******* you f****** pedophile perceptor

Date: 2024-11-13 01:05:07
And yes I am f****** sick of this that's why I lined up Kelly. And then I see you on the says oh how dare you plan for it and what if what if this like what if you still love your father so much that you don't even change your f****** last name for f*** saying you still carry that f****** child rapist last name because you protect him you immortalize him you don't want to change your name until after he's dead you f****** cold woman

Date: 2024-11-13 01:06:47
So that's what I was saying but that's why I f****** I don't want to talk I don't want us to I don't want to have this walk around them pins and needles because I don't want to offend you about your father like f*** that I would rather castrate him and put burn him in the Town Square because you do not rape our girls and you are actually protecting that predator father of yours.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:08:29
So basically, you just like me because I'm a straight male I emoji not your father but your father is so much better because you don't even punish him for raping you you say oh I forget that man for raping me f*** that s*** that is irresponsible that is not Catholic that is very juvenile and very eyes it's not Catholic and so that is very single that's not married, okay love?

Date: 2024-11-13 01:09:22
And you love to walk out just on this b******* the b******* here is I don't I love your father and I will not tolerate the non-punishment of child rapist because what happened to you I don't want that to happen to my children or their children okay you were 14 when you alleged the involuntary my son is 15 that is why there was such a huge trigger on Father's Day this year okay.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:10:34
And this is f****** ridiculously grow the f****** I've been saying that politely and just walk out of this b******* oh yeah yeah cuz I don't like your father it's horrible you you prefer a pedophile having freedom and free reign than your husband being with you everyday and your husband requiring you everyday you know wait 45 minutes of the time you have not been with your spouse for all I know you were with you are father cuz there is no knowledge of where you are you are not with your husband who is your security and provider and caregiver understand so you prefer your father to your husband.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:11:47
You keep pedophiles in child rapists safe so f*** off if you're going to keep out of change your last f****** name and f****** that man needs to be registered and ready I don't care if he's 85 it's he needs to be registered to his shifts the normalcy buys so less people f*** with my children that means my son and Kelly's daughter okay that is two people that I am close to and know about that is why it is such important to me.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:13:13
You are ridiculous you protect your pedophile father oh it hurts too much and you know how much it'll hurt when he rapes a child or another man like him rapes a child because they they know that oh look it says cause such pain then nobody is going to imprison us nobody's going to castrate us. Right you protect pedophiles?

Date: 2024-11-13 01:14:08
You protect pedophiles so you think is more important that children experience child rape first hand other than knowing that that happened to you when you were 14 and so then you don't want it to happen to them no that's something you think they have to learn the lesson of on their own because they won't appreciate their fathers and they're worth to their fathers without that child right that is the message that comes across with your approval and you are acceptance of child rape without punishment that come on

Date: 2024-11-13 01:16:58
So I SERIOUSLY take offence that you endanger children LIKE my son and Kelly's daughter. Why?
Because you would prefer they learn the lessons if child rape first hand.
You are NOT my wife if you protect pedophiles.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:18:01
And then you criticize me for how many people out there people I talk to or just because I have some lady friends who I speak to about personal traverse tissues you take that as an offense I find out if it's very offensive that you prefer to protect pedophiles in order to punish your husband, so how dare you.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:19:46
So basically this goes back to where the problem begins what I said please ask mature you're not 14 or 15 you're not the age of a potential victim you are your age is the age of a Survivor who can give warning to present day 14 15 year olds in order for them to avoid being PEDOPHILE food for the PEDOPHILE basically.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:22:07
So this is why I take it so much to heart because my son is 15 years old and you claim that oh what happens you happen when you're 14 and guess what you don't want to protect future potential victims of other fathers like your own father so it is very selfish, your course of action.
Moreover you also eat you're very selfish so you don't even think you're like all makes me uncomfortable do you know how uncomfortable would be able you do know exactly how uncomfortable it is for a 14 year old to be raped by a parent and so you want to prevent that from happening to future children by shifting the Normalcy Bias so that we are more on alert for the situations which can lead to to pray for child by their father okay comprendez vous mi amor?

Date: 2024-11-13 01:23:24
Then you walk out on me just because I don't like your father sometimes like that's f****** ridiculous we're supposed to be able to talk to each other absolutely and trusting each other and acknowledges so that's why that's why I was doing my alternate route with Kelly cuz I I have no faith in you anymore you you walk around s*** like this like the fact that I don't accept your rapist pedophile father as a free man like the Fox say oh I forgive him that's b******* you do not forget the pedophile rapist humidifies your father you don't forget that you have to recognize it holy s***.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:24:31
So I understand that it's your trauma your pcsd from your daddy issue but the thing is you need to get Freeman you should have gotten treatment then that was your mother's responsibility but she's dead now of course and so she was just a Band-Aid that you talk to her once in a while when trauma how much was triggered and then.. it's just ridiculous.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:41:41
So yeah I'm not going to tolerate the fact that you walk out whenever I mention your father in a bad sense because that man deserves to be castrated. In order to prevent other from raping their daughters because according to your father there's no consequences to raping your daughter because you can just bully their mother and both of his daughter and there's no consequences to raping a 14 year old child.

Date: 2024-11-13 01:42:41
So the biggest trigger for me was the fact that I have a 15 year old son and you actually dislike his mother so much that you actually it's just it really hurts that you don't care about the health and welfare of 14 and 15 year old children of strangers you only care about yourself and what happened in the past what happened in the past happened it was horrible but this lessons we can tell to prevent it from recurring to other children it's called shifting the normalcy bias.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:00:33
I would like you to come back to my apartment tonight, sleep safe with me, then tomorrow start dealing with shit, as I said.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:03:37
You're beautiful and sexy, but you protect your Pedophile father.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:16:45
All you had to do was tell me don't read those texts I am sorry for writing these abusive texts you can erase them but instead you say that you sent them because you were hurt. I did 't get the text I read on ur phone but the texts from 12::42 think you hate me and my brother and mother I guess you have a better family somewhere I don't know about. I thought we were family. You're my number one priority.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:18:19
I have been laying out, as you broke my glasses about my not liking your father, you filed false criminal charges against me for my telling you that the Limitations Act amendment made your father a valid target.
You are my number one priority as well.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:18:42
Less time in purgatory because this is something that we can reasonably do to prevent the future rape of other children and fathers just like Fausto Enrique Orozco.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:19:14
I love you as my equal and I want and I'm going to be in purgatory a lot longer than you but I want you to have less time in purgatory my love okay and I it is also the fact that protecting children is priority number one it's cuz please I love you okay please come back.

Date: 2024-11-13 02:25:05
A Paedophile in my Family: Surviving Dad (2023)

Date: 2024-11-13 02:26:23
"by not speaking up the only thing we're protecting people from is the truth"

Date: 2024-11-13 02:27:06
"and if we want to stop the pain of abuse from continuing we first need to see what is really going on duh

Date: 2024-11-13 02:28:11
I love you baby and your ease it by releasing it to the pain and it gives you peace I I trust is the logic right and and it's not simple it's what your father did you and he needs to suffer it is it's a biblical he needs to suffer appropriately and send that it's one of the it's in the Bible sweetheart so yeah

Date: 2024-11-13 02:29:33
By not speaking about what your father did to you will only thing you're doing is preventing other potential victims from actually learning the hard lessons from your account of what happens when father postal Enrique Roscoe raped you okay when you were 14 so come on and like I said please act make sure and protect our children.

Date: 2024-11-13 03:56:45
Buenas noches mi amor. Isaac

Date: 2024-11-13 03:58:14
G'nite 💕 LOVE 😘.

Date: 2024-11-13 09:41:46
A Paedophile in my Family: Surviving Dad (2023)

Date: 2024-11-13 09:42:15
"By not speaking up the only thing we're protecting people from is the truth."

Date: 2024-11-13 09:42:54
"And if we want to stop the pain of abuse from continuing we first need to see what is really going on."

Date: 2024-11-13 09:46:47
I luv you baby.. the past is very bad in which we were hurt, yet we can provide future potential victims with the acknowledgement required to prevent the worst from happening.
Expecting the best, even as we avoid the worst repeats of yesterday's mistakes.

Date: 2024-11-13 09:49:02
I love you Maritza and I wish for the children of myself and my cohorts to be provided with an understanding of how to prevent certain mistakes from repeating.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:03:27
What is this you have sent me ? So your guilty conscience for abandoning your own son to the CAS is showing itself to you. If you lov reading such rags why don't you read the Paedophile books that are in the public library that encourage children that it's alright and those other books by transgender weirdos that encourage kids of their deviant lifestyle. If you like deviant books like this the public library are full of them how about you go fight with them rather than making me feel like I am responsible for the protection, and education of all children.
The school system and libraries are perverting n grooming children n you misplace ur concern to me. So were you just calling me to again try another tactic on me? As if I were suddenly a woman responsible for all the deviancy in the world l, thank for showing your true colours.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:04:34
I luv you baby.. the past is very bad in which we were hurt, yet we can provide future potential victims with the acknowledgement required to prevent the worst from happening.
Expecting the best, even as we avoid the worst repeats of yesterday's mistakes.
I 💕 LOVE YOU 💞 do greatly and I respect you.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:06:36
I was happy to speak with you last night and I felt we both received a degree of peacefulness to our sleep.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:07:24
You r a snake so all this love you is just to try to get information and to apply your guilt manipulation and now all of a sudden victims are responsible for all the evils in the world with such weirdos in the world.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:10:19
I just want today's and tomorrow's children to be provided with knowledge about OUR bad experiences so that they can prevent the same mistakes from repeating.
I thought we were in agreement not to be selfish, to put forward our painfully earned wisdom in order to prevent OUR CHILDREN from having to experience the same problems which we have.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:12:10
So I guess you were just drinking last night and we weren't actually in agreement or consensus about the importance of protecting tomorrow's children from experiencing our personal traumatic situations.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:16:04
In essence, paying it forward. I thought we were in agreement last night, yet you tell me you were really wishing to ALLOW the children of myself and my brethren to personally experience the trauma which we have sustained, because it's so very important for our children to ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE the trauma rather than actually receiving fair and appropriate warning for the prevention and avoidance of the trauma we adults are aware.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:17:29
Do you honestly wish upon children the same trauma which their parents experienced in order so that they will ABSOLUTELY understand the bad case scenarios?

Date: 2024-11-13 10:20:56
I love you as my wife, and I wish to pass the wisdom which you and I have earned from our previous trauma in order that OUR CHILDREN will not need to be hurt by those in power in order to appreciate the wisdom which we provide from our painfully understood of how to avoid TRAUMA.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:21:15
your heart beats for your cohorts and your cohorts children? You then should speak up about spousal physical emotional and psychological abuse of spouses since you're so big on talking about your problems with your band of crooks.
Pushing former victims to go on a speaking tour is bit of putdowns. If you like this topic so much why aren't you with those who make money of victims and their stories. Maybe you're in love with a psychiatrist or social worker or author that is feeding lies that talking about this will help a million children all of a sudden. You are trying another bullying tactic to get me to talk to you about this which you find pleasurable.
I going to sleep stop harrassing me about this I see who is your saviour the world of spin doctors the social workers, in the social mental field. My saviour is Jesus Christ I don't put my faith in men.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:23:26
I love you intensely and I thought you seemed to understand the importance of protecting tomorrow's children from travesty which we recognize in developing around our world.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:24:15
What trauma have you sustained as a child have you suffered physical emotional psychological trauma or sexual abuse as a child? I never said that I wanted to write a book about this you are sick so yesterday you showed me that you can put on an act of a loving husband but it was an act and now you start your manipulation games again.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:24:24
Who are your cohorts?

Date: 2024-11-13 10:25:27
Honestly my love, I thought you were not actually sleeping with someone else but it seems you are very eager NOT to enable our children from repeating the same mistakes which pain we still feel.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:28:16
My cohorts are my friends and family who are aware of and agree that I don't want my son and their daughter to PERSONALLY sustain some TRAUMA in order to understand how to protect OUR CHILDREN from repeating the same experiences as which we were hurt by.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:30:10
Live and learn how to prevent our children from experiencing a painful future, just like the painful past we were subject to.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:32:52
I have been betrayed by certain individuals, as I expect have you been... Just I am willing to prevent our children from having to experience the school of hard knocks in order to appreciate our costly lessons learned.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:33:38
I understand that you are still mired in your trauma and are likely blocking me right now.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:35:26
And honestly, as I said last night, I don't want OUR CHILDREN to experience directly the trauma required to appreciate our knowledge.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:36:42
You think of our children as appropriate victims of preventable trauma?

Date: 2024-11-13 10:36:54
Why don't you protect tomorrows new future husbands from making your mistakes of bullying manipulating using abusing a wife by talking about your story. You abuse me and victim shame me you brainwashing is great .
We are responsible for our own action you are responsible for yourself. Don't try to victim shame to tell me I'm suddenly responsible for other people's children. Hey I need some money why don't I ask that same community for help, now they don't help but just want to profit off people's TEARS. So it's back to manipulation for you right.
You aren't capable of loving is see love is a game for you. You can leave me alone now I see someone has twisting your mind and you have turned away from God . You are sinning blaspheming the priest and the Lord's Prayer you despise the Catholic Church and your Catholic wife. Writing to women or disreputable careers and purported to be Into witchcraft. Is Kelly or Ruby putting you up to get your wife kicked to the curb . you are a socialist and a spin doctor lover, you fawn over men's words but you don't even have The Holy Scripture in your heart.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:37:29
Leave me alone snake and devil for you insulted my faith and my love

Date: 2024-11-13 10:39:06
Why don't you ask your band of fags for money and for help with ur life if they are your family why do you bother me?

Date: 2024-11-13 10:39:22
I fully understand that YOU have been programmed to personally experience trauma I'm order to properly show the abuser that their children are in pain.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:39:57
Give your children a message then that they aren't real

Date: 2024-11-13 10:40:56
You live in an imaginary world but the hatred you show me is real who are you sleeping with that you are want to do this to me?

Date: 2024-11-13 10:41:10
You need to talk to your therapist, because you really need to know your own trauma in order to protect our future from the repetition of our past TRAUMA.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:41:56
Who is telling you to do this to me. I spoke with the priest and he spoke with you but you called him a moron. So you think I'm a moron right

Date: 2024-11-13 10:43:42
And you also need to talk to a social so worker and explain how you push me bully me insult me abuse me into submitting for information and action you bully me. This is not love so last night was an act?

Date: 2024-11-13 10:44:15
I am sleeping missing my wife who stormed out because I'm not as strong as YOUR FATHER who art NOT in heaven but is NOT in jail. Right?
I love you as a 51 year old SURVIVOR and I wish to prevent the occurrence of OUR 14 or 15 year old mistakes.

Date: 2024-11-13 10:44:39
You are a sick iperson to want to use someone's childhood for your games I bet u try to do this to do one else n they'll have you arrested

Date: 2024-11-13 11:03:28
I love you too as you are my wife and I care about you a lot. I don't want to lose my wife but I also do not want my wife to make the same mistakes that I made.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:04:46
I love you and I respect you I also appreciate the fact that you're very honest in your actions. Thank you my dear.
Because it is very appropriate for you to tell me that you haven't actually had sufficient therapy because this triggers I don't like that my very talking to you triggers your trauma response patterns.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:07:36
This almost feels like I am worse than your father that even talking to me is worse than having him deep inside your vulva telling you what you have to do.
You know you need to go do this in order to do this so you need to shift your booty this way in order to be a good daughter right?
I love you, but you have this unresolved trauma which is actually making interaction difficult with you because everything I say is going to cause you to flip out at me. I love you, and I care about my son and his sister as well as the adopted parent okay?

Date: 2024-11-13 11:12:36
Because this is exactly the same thing that I saw happening what happens is you react to something and then these things rather than curing or healing your wound what happens is that you just put toxic wounds under bullshit with Mom & Dad saying just address the problem because I'm just calming you down right now, rather than curing the illness in your emotionally broken heart? That makes no help for you that way.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:21:45
Unfortunately it is clear that you have UNRESOLVED childhood trauma that becomes a REAL problem in the here and now, when you are respected as an ADULT rather than coddled like a CHILD.
I love you as my wife, which means as an ADULT CONFIRMED CATHOLIC SURVIVOR rather than the UNCONFIRMED CATHOLIC CHILD VICTIM of your MOTHER and FATHER being inappropriate caregivers.
Basically, what you're doing is PROTECTING your father and ENDANGERING me and K's Son or Daughter.
I love you Maritza, and my past mistakes are useful in preventing OUR CHILDREN from making the same mistakes.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:23:37
You need to first appropriately UNDERSTAND why your past trauma caused you such long-term pain and just repeats as if it was a broken record.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:26:48
Rather than blaming others for how horrible we feel, we need to review our reasons.
Because I understand you frequently block me just because you don't want to do anything to reduce the future bad effects from The unresolved past events of trauma.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:28:13
I understand that you're still in trauma, so you'll likely be better off SINGLE if you're unable to review and learn from the previous TRAUMA.

Date: 2024-11-13 11:35:35
The simple fact that you block me for my trying to understand previous trauma in order to provide a future peacefulness.. well, this clearly indicates that you have RAW TRAUMA RESPONSE PATTERNS.
But it is unsafe for us to repeat the same mistakes, so an ANNULMENT may be the only way I can proceed into the future, even if I have to keep someone as manipulative as FARKAS safe and secure from running into arguments about our children.
I love you dearly, but if my existence causes you pain then it might be more appropriate for me to just change lane with the Adopted Mother of my son.

Date: 2024-11-13 13:14:56
I do love you. I love YOU and I appreciate you as my equal.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:04:48

Date: 2024-11-13 16:04:48
What is a bully? Go here:

Date: 2024-11-13 16:06:11

What is a Passive Aggressive Narcissistic Bully?

Date: 2024-11-13 16:10:44
A Catholic matrimony is not a joke and Father Wagner interviewed you as to the sincerity of your interest in marrying. A Catholic marriage is not your game. God will punish you heavily for your poor jokes, disregard for my well being and your bad morals when communicating with other women, poor treatment of me.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:21:07
I love 💝 you as my EQUAL PARTNER for all time. What you're doing right now is basically VERY indicative that you NEEDED appropriate therapy after you CHOSE to make love to your father. Have you told your therapist right now that you broke my glasses because you dislike the fact that I regard you as an EQUAL ADULT PARTNER and not as a SUBORDINATE CHILD OBJECT to satisfy your mother's husband?
Please just drag yourself back to this ugly retard you claim to be your husband.
After 13 years in the Catholic Church you STILL proudly resonate as Ms OROZCO because you HATE how the cock of that horrible Canadian known as Isaac BON HILLIER.
You are in the wrong, if not only because I am the Alpha or Principal of this unit, but if you insist on acting like a 15 year old daughter rather than the 51 year old wife I understand you to be.
Say sorry, return to your Alpha, hug him and return to our celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
You are wrong, and simply acting like a 14 year old daughter rather than a 51 year old wife.
So yes, GTFU or GTFO. Please call KELLY and formally inform her of your choice by Monday November 18th, 2024.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:24:44

Date: 2024-11-13 16:24:48

Date: 2024-11-13 16:24:50

Date: 2024-11-13 16:26:14
Why should I call your tranny Kelly?

Date: 2024-11-13 16:27:00

Date: 2024-11-13 16:29:40
Stop harrassing me your use of other women on me will only end with us been permanently separated. You abusive language that I'm a child is very low of a man.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:30:39
I told you that if u say gtfo or GTFU that this is abuse so now what do you want if not to abuse me more.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:32:03
In case you didnt read this read this now:

Date: 2024-11-13 16:32:09

Date: 2024-11-13 16:35:00
You have a choice. Do you prefer a HUSBAND Mr HILLIER or do you prefer a FATHER Mr OROZCO as your be all and end all.
Please respect that I love you, and require you to be WITH Isaac as as your Husband and SURVIVOR of your Fr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO rape and physical abuse.
You're acting like a child who puts her mother and father first.
I'm Cc'ng KELLY because she offered her back-up if you resumed your childhood after your mother's mask of power ceased to be able to present you as an ADULT.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:35:13
Cyber bullying happens between adults to and it is the bad when it is about sexual abuse. You are hurting me with your website content and social media . Using others to bully me is also wrong. You need to dial back your anger towards me.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:35:17

Date: 2024-11-13 16:44:15
If you cc Kelly it will be over for us you can pick ur imaginary Kelly for I know that she isn't with you but she is on my side. You try to enact your power games with me then I know you don't love me. Why do you want me if it's all about power for you, manipulation , belittling me, and using religion as a weapon.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:44:48
So basically, I realize that I did not satisfy you sexually because the only man who can satisfy the fiery 🔥 SEXY LATINA HOTTIE is Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO.
Because you have the option to agree the what FAUSTO did to you was a rape by FORMALLY reporting his actions and FORMALLY registering him as a Child Rapist on the National Sex Offender Registry.
This is not a negotiation, as neither is the fact that I require you to commit and recognize your respect as Mrs MARITZA BON HILLIER or MARITZA ELIZABETH BON HILLIER.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:44:58
I put my health first you r bent on killing me, is what u r doing love,

Date: 2024-11-13 16:45:41
You bully me the priest spoke with you so you are wrong .

Date: 2024-11-13 16:46:29
You r a nerd who bullies his way in communications if you love me drop the threats

Date: 2024-11-13 16:46:39
The priest is not God, and the priest has failed to understand the situation in complexity.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:47:27
You are not God but the police do understand my situation so leave me alone now.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:47:52
You essentially seem to be setting the situation so that you can go fuck somebody else that satisfies you.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:48:44
Do you love me Issac?

Date: 2024-11-13 16:49:20
Everything in our comms I'm sharing with my back-up because I do love you, but I am YOUR HUSBAND and I am not YOUR FATHER.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:49:59
Who is your backup?

Date: 2024-11-13 16:54:30
You should be my back-up, but you have been AWOL in excess of 25% of the duration since you Mother died on July 5th 2021.
So therefore, it is apparent that you did not appropriately recover from how deeply Fr FAUSTO seeded your heart with Ecuadorian corporeality.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:56:35
I love YOU as an equal and I will not tolerate your role-play as a 14 year old daughter who loves her Father more than you recognize yourself as my 51 year old wife.

Date: 2024-11-13 16:58:55
Very simple. GTFU or GTFO of my lane. I don't tolerate your support of rapist pedophile fathers.
You can go right ahead and report this to the police, because it will clearly show that you feel indebted to Fr FAUSTO.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:02:55
You claim that I am bullying you and the police will receive a report from you about my activities in your respect...
Just like your mother was OBLIGATED to do as your primary caregiver. She declined to and you suffered from her inadequate motherhood.
You can go right ahead and report my actions against PEDOPHILES and RAPISTS as an action against your Father who Art Not Yet in Hell.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:03:47
You will apologize for saying all this garbage to me .

Date: 2024-11-13 17:04:45
Either way we go, Kelly will receive my record of this interaction as that is how we agreed at the beginning of the Independent Ontario Advocacy Group.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:06:17
No, I will not claim that your Father had full rights to sexually satisfy and physically abuse you as a distinct OROZCO LATINA 🔥 replacement for ESPERANZA.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:06:47
Very simple.. you respect your husband or you respect your father.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:07:04
If your mom saw this she would really be sickened by your cold treatment of me. I'm sure your father and grandparents would not be proud of this. I doubt any child would read your posts and see love coming from you. Your are a sick man to use someone's childhood to further push her more down. If you love me you will stop this now.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:08:18
Seek counselling for yourself Isaac you are sinking into an abuse of your own making.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:09:22
If you respect your husband you will realize that you're a 51-yr-old SURVIVOR but if you don't respect your husband you will recognize that you are as a 15-yr-old VICTIM of sexual assaults by FAUSTO.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:11:51
However the irony is that you claim to have CONSENTED to act in the place of ESPERANZA then you CLEARLY had no criminal complaint against the man whom you told me raped you against your will.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:13:26
I will work on the Civil Divorce paperwork tonight and call them tomorrow to get the section included.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:24:32
There is no provision for you to negotiate this interaction, do you understand that?
This is not a NEGOTIATION but this is a REQUIREMENT if we are to remain married.
I would like for you to sleep with me tonight, but I'm sure you already have your new Fausto ready for the plucking and fucking.
It is not your fault but FAUSTO conditioned you to be a PEDO-PROTECTOR and MARRIAGE-DESTROYER. You destroyed the marriage of your Mother and Father by permitting FAUSTO to fuck you.
Your mother consented to your assumption of her rights and responsibilities in her place and verified by not reporting her husband's rape of a Minor.

Date: 2024-11-13 17:32:39
If you honestly love me, then you will return to sleep with me as your husband tonight. However, I'm pretty sure that you don't ACTUALLY understand the duty we both hold to lawfully report and legally punish Fr FAUSTO for the alleged abusive and unwilling participation you had in sexual communion in your position as the WILLING partner of Fr FAUSTO.
So, please be requested to return to my person, but I understand that if you're a pedophile protector and actually an inverter of justice.
As you evidently choose to live and just for Fr FAUSTO rather than live and fuck with Mr HILLIER.
Very simple.

Date: 2024-11-13 19:44:41
So honestly Marissa you're ridiculous I love you not your father, yet you love your father more than your husband.
You protect that man's choice in the lover and so and you essentially consent because you're not you're not complaining not saying No thank you you fundamentally say the equivalent of "yes daddy, thank you for the special treatment.. have a good night, Fr FAUSTO."
Like really? I honestly don't think you are satisfied by me because your priority has ALWAYS been Mother, Father, and Brother first and on top of your list of objectives. I kicked your brother and you ran to be with him, rather than be an ADULT and with your HUSBAND before your BROTHER and FATHER.
You were traumatized so it's not your fault, but I have burns from the sheer stupidity of my having to boil water in my situation.
That priest whom you claim is correct, you have no fucking clue.. he's exactly the kinda of Fr who is on the same side of the coin as Fr FAUSTO.
I do not respect that alleged priest as he is wrong, and how dare you say that I am worse than your Father Fausto. Because actually, you evidently broke my glasses to blind me to your PEDOPHILE FATHER PROTECTION initiatives. You are not acting appropyas MY wife. You probably reverted to your role-play of the wife of Fr FAUSTO.
I hope that you find a male member who will penetrate and satisfy your hunger.
Cc: KAF.

Date: 2024-11-13 20:02:41
I do 💕 LOVE YOU ❤️ and that's maybe why I feel so hurt by your disrespect of my manhood.
I totally understand why you love your father so much, and I know that you had no choice so you don't realize that by choosing the health and welfare of Mr OROZCO you're disrespecting Mr HILLIER. You don't even care about that issue, which is why you spat in my face when I blamed you for calling the police about my telling you that your father is punishable.
But you "forgive" him of an ABSOLUTE SIN.

Date: 2024-11-13 20:21:30
Cyberbullying (cyberharassment or online bullying) is a form of bullying
electronic means
Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats , sexual remarks, a victims' personal information , or hate speech .[4] Bullying or harassment can be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to harm.
Tactics can also include creating or posting on fake profiles to create anonymity to spread harmful messages

Date: 2024-11-13 20:24:24
Cyberbullying from Wikipedia:
A frequently used definition of cyberbullying is "an aggressive, intentional act or behavior that is carried out by a group or an individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself."[22] It is to be distinguished from normal conflicts between people of comparable power or status that often also occur online.[23]
There are many variations of the definition, such as the National Crime Prevention Council ('s more specific definition: "the process of using the Internet, cell phones or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."[9] Cyberbullying is often similar to traditional bullying, with some notable distinctions. Victims of cyberbullying may not know the identity of their bully, or why the bully is targeting them, based on the online nature of the interaction.[24] The harassment can have wide-reaching effects on the victim, as the content used to harass the victim can be spread and shared easily among many people and often remains accessible long after the initial incident.

Date: 2024-11-13 20:24:31
You're nothing more to me than 14-yr-old PEDO PROTECTION CHILD and are not acting like the 51-yr-old ADULT whom I was deceived into believing was my wife.

Date: 2024-11-13 20:50:13
Are you sleeping with your husband tonight or are you attending your boyfriend's bed?
This is grounds for ANNULMENT because you're evidently still to much in love with your Fr FAUSTO prick.

Date: 2024-11-13 23:13:22
So who are you sleeping with? I hope he’s using a condom, but regardless you NEED to be tested for STD before we ever fuck again. Because You LIE about things as stupid as starting that your father had your consent, so it’s God’s mission for you to fuck your own daddy and drip his cum all over your marriage. -Isaac

Date: 2024-11-13 23:33:31
You broke my 1400 pair of glasses. You are insane, and you think it is NOT a bad thing for you Father who art NOT in Heaven to sexually rape you.
The only reason you didn't report it is because you ENJOYED his Latino Phallic Menber, you enjoyed him so much you remain LIKE A CHILD in the sexual dimension.
So you protect the pedophile father you CLAIM raped you because you ENJOYED fucking you father more than you ever TOLERATED the horrible feeling of sex with your husband.
You are eager OROZCO blood. You just need to satisfy your Father, whether he's in HEAVEN or in your BEDROOM.
You were never appropriately trained about being an adult, as you told me that you actually ENJOYED sex with stupid boyfriends. You never enjoyed sex with your husband because you father trained you to only enjoy his pur Ecuadorian meat.
Fuck you.
So fuck you. You lied to me, and you are DEAD to me.
Cc: Farkas.

Date: 2024-11-13 23:42:14
CC of a comment to my wife denouncing her valuing how satisfactorily she was fucked by her father that she PROTECTS him because GOD APPROVED THIS RAPE:
You broke my 1400 pair of glasses. You are insane, and you think it is NOT a bad thing for you Father who art NOT in Heaven to sexually rape you.
The only reason you didn't report it is because you ENJOYED his Latino Phallic Menber, you enjoyed him so much you remain LIKE A CHILD in the sexual dimension.
So you protect the pedophile father you CLAIM raped you because you ENJOYED fucking you father more than you ever TOLERATED the horrible feeling of sex with your husband.
You are eager OROZCO blood. You just need to satisfy your Father, whether he's in HEAVEN or in your BEDROOM.
You were never appropriately trained about being an adult, as you told me that you actually ENJOYED sex with stupid boyfriends. You never enjoyed sex with your husband because you father trained you to only enjoy his pure Ecuadorian meat.
Fuck you.
So fuck you. You lied to me, and you are DEAD to me.
Cc: Farkas.
When we were married in the Church she claimed to want to report the rape she suffered by her father, but it was too long ago.
In 2021 when the changes to the Limitations Act and the Vatican started actually MANDATING punishment of fathers who raped children, she suddenly FORGIVES her daddy of an ABSOLUTE din.
Fucking ridiculous. She hated fucking me so much that she prefers to satisfy her father.

Date: 2024-11-13 23:42:42
Do get away from me, you PEDOPHILE LOVER.

Date: 2024-11-13 23:44:06
I understand it's trauma related but you're 51 not 15. Grow the Farkas up. You reject me because I don't satisfy you as much as your daddy.

Date: 2024-11-13 23:47:19
You are a LIAR. Period.
As a CHILD you prefer the safety and security of your Mother, your Father, and your Brother over that of your husband.