To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-11-10 00:49:13
Date: 2024-11-10 01:22:05
Date: 2024-11-10 01:26:07
Date: 2024-11-10 21:17:23
Date: 2024-11-10 21:17:24

Date: 2024-11-10 21:17:25

Who are both 'our ' children, so when I speak with a priest I should know about those out of marriage kids right that you are putting above a your wife. You would be welcome in Hollywood where the actors have out of wedlock children., and they place their cock on an altar but God is absent from their life, and they have many divorces and marriages non monogamous and not lasting. But the children out of wedlock are placed higher in status than their wife. Should I tell another man children that I love them too? Why would I yell at white trash like you, she baited and tricked you but you are as guilty and sinful as her and still you aren't sorry about hurting me like this, you hold my childhood against your adult actions of infidelity. You are a jerk. Don't t u understand that u can't bully a sa victim into going to the police. I won't do it and u can't treat me bad over this stop. It's obvious that u value others safety over mine. This is my son. I provided Kelly with information about Kat and Isaac's children having been taken and adopted out separately. You've noticed how she shifted her tone about me, right? It's just somewhat shocking to my son and his sister, cuz Anne fed them a lie about the mailman logic for some time. I care about you still, but you're taking things way out of context. I understand it might be the midlife crisis that hits most women in their early 50s to both men and women. The reason I'm being Kelly into my path, in a you and fight WAY too much. Rather than communication, we fight. Rather than answering my questions about your father, you just reach like my 15 year old son and not like my 51 year old wife. 15:51 Just Kelly and Isaac as a reflexion: 42:24 which is pure synchronous reverberation. Are you 42 years old what is your age Isaac please tell me that you keep attacking me for my age, I am an adult I am not having a mid life crisis that could happen to a thirty or forty year old . Did u not email me from danish-breaths at iCloud this morning read my reply. I'm guessing this is you. What bullshit are you talking about, I need to see her adoption papers now, and your papers that show you gave your son to the children's aid. and no woman can call you honey, I will go to the police for all your theft too you owe me 7 grand. You will turn away from this Jezebel, in the name of Jesus Christ turn away from your path of sin. I am charging both of you. We had a strong connection Esposa, but you left too often since mum died. I'm sorry, but my love withered, and I drew Farkas to be my reflection and it looks like we'll work alright together from the get-go but don't worry we'll likely wait 9-12 months after we start the Annulment Protocol. My son is my 15:51 with you, and my partner in crime is my 42:24. I'm very sad that your father caused you so much trauma, and I don't want my son endangered by our correlation. I don't want you to sustain more trauma from me. Something between us changed when your mum died, and I understand it was your trauma from Fausto simply lost the bandaid which is all mum in that regard. It's nothing against you, but your Trauma Response Patterns weren't healed, mum just placated them with her motherly shortsighted misunderstanding of Interpersonal Trauma. I'll always care about you, but I cannot live with you be traumatized by my nature. You don't know the entirety of the connection of FARKAS and HILLIER and that's alright, just please don't be so jealous. I don't want you hurt, but I need you with me 100% not this bullshit 75% of the time which you've reverted to. It's not your fault, but your untreated psychological trauma from the Fr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO ride has changed you and now that mum's checked out, your trauma response protocols have been activated. I loved you, and I still care about you deeply, but I cannot just stand by and watch your response patterns run like they have in the past. As I said it's not your fault, but you don't interact in a form to reconcile or reach a path of correlation. It's not your fault, and you will be fine as a single Catholic, just not a married Catholic. You have caused the trauma what hypocrisy you have gossip of a childhood rape all over the internet and you don't see yourself as conducting yourself badly to me, how ironic that you go cyber bully me and now you see me as a problem! Call me please. Hi, I called no answer I require MY keys to the unit in which I reside. They're MY PERSONAL PROPERTY and they're required for MY temporary residence accommodations. Those keys are MY PERSONAL PROPERTY I have informed you perpetually that they're MY PERSONAL PROPERTY and I don't want to file a police report about the fact that they and my bank card were stolen. You will return them to my person DIRECTLY. None of this cluster fuck where you leave MY personal property somewhere that is not my hand. I'm paying JoJo on a weekly basis, and I had a long bit where I had to tell the Sheriff's officials to go fuck themselves. I EXPLICITLY requested that you return MY PERSONAL PROPERTY to my hand directly. Please be advised, as I would prefer NOT to report your actions as threatening and/or extorting my safety and security for whatever reasons you use to validate an ABSOLUTE offence against God. Thank-you, have a good night. Thus, do NOT return MY PERSONAL PROPERTY (which is a Key or Bank Card or Boots) to JoJo as that would constitute a theft of MY PERSONAL PROPERTY which I EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED your theft of my personal property. Thank-you Maritza, I hope that you are doing well. I spent all day describing to the Sheriff's Deputies the nature of my AGREEMENT with JoJo. I gave you VERY explicit rules and regulations as per our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony and you immediately chose to go public rather than protect the children of me and my ex. I respect you, and I love my son. You are 51 and my son is 15. As I said before, GTFU or GTFO. Very simple. Explicit rules and regulations this is a marriage not some slavery union where you get to dictate to me , why are you so obsessed with your son? So what you r son is fifteen weren't you fifteen to in the past, you are acted criminal. You use your son as an excuse to treat me bad. So you love your make believe son be c he isn't yours you gave up your parental rights Why should I protect children from a prostitute? So you value prostitutes over a marriage. If you respected me you wouldn't manipulate me with your son So I should GTFU? This is love for you? Do u love me this why you want to get out? Your treat me bad for your son then what crazy thinking honestly I think u have lost your mind Go public? You are going to the internet to slander my good reputation my good name You have gone public about your disdain for you wife For your wife Your son would not be happy that you are treating me this way, I was once a child as you were and you are using your son as an excuse to act devilish You should be sorry for you conduct with me You value your 'son ' over your love for me, where I'm from that is a loser husband and not very Catholic. You are wrong I 💕 LOVE ❤️ you,but do you respect me? If you respected me why would you slander about me yo your neighbours and to the internet To your neighbours I'm known as as bitch bec of your posts what Catholic husband does this not even a non religious husband would slander to the world his love You hold up your posts as just but everyone who has read it has said you are crazy and cruel. I'm Spanish and Spanish men don't do what you are doing to me and even Canadians don't do what you are doing to me. To gossip and slander a woman is very wrong you have lost any respect from me , Kim, every Catholic even Jesus would not be happy with your emotional blackmail. Emotional blackmail
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